Note 777 A Total Of 17 Used Ebooks Bought This Weekend

A great Sunday night here on March 10th, 2024 at 11:54 PM CST. I spent the evening shopping on Ebay for used books. I found, and bought 17 used books on Ebay over the weekend to add to my home library. Buying used books definitely takes discipline, especially when you have limited space like I do, but so worth owning them. There are so many out there that I would love to own. I can’t wait to start diving into my directories and encyclopedias for blogging so that I can share some content from my book collection. I haven’t really looked at the books I’ve collected, and I’ve been collecting used books for at least 5 years now I think, and it’s definitely time that I start using them.

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Note 466 A Busy November 2023

I’ve got so much going on in my life this month in November. I have a lot of work going on here at Pad53 including trying to surpass my post count for October 2023 which was 237 posts published. As of this note, I’ll have 229 posts published in November 2023. So I’m not very far from my goal and I think I will do it. I am working on a posts index which is essentially list of all posts on my blog. I’m hoping it will help to make this website more efficient to use. It’s going to take me awhile to finish it though, considering there are currently over 400 posts.

I am moving to a new apartment. I didn’t want to move, especially since it will be more expensive, but it has become a necessity due to family drama. I won’t go into details. Even though I don’t want to move, I’m kind of looking forward to getting into a new place for awhile. I’ll have a new pad so to speak in terms of living space, and I’m going to nickname my new apartment “Pad53” in honor of my blog here. It’s fitting since I launched this blog this year, and will be moving this year, and both the notebook theme and housing theme fits the name of this website.

I have had to cancel medical appointments this month due to moving. Actually I didn’t cancel them. I just didn’t go. The scheduling was crazy, and I need all the time I can get for packing and moving. I will have to try and get these appointments rescheduled. I’m not sure if I’ve mentioned it on this blog before yet (I try not to go into deep details about my personal life usually), but I will in this post. For about 20 years I have dealt with developing kidney stones. If you don’t know, and I hope you don’t have to deal with this yourself, those of you who may be reading this, kidney stones are extremely painful, and usually require a medical procedure to remove them or help them pass through your system. I recently had one starting in July of this year, and had a procedure done for it in September. Now the doctors want to do an xray on my throat to see if I may have a thyroid problem that could be causing me to develop kidney stones in my kidneys. If this is the case, it will require another surgery which I’m not in any way looking forward to.

Continue reading “Note 466 A Busy November 2023”

Note 200 Milestone Less Than A Month To Publish 200 Blog Posts

I just started this blog at this month on Sunday, October 8th, 2023. This is 3 weeks later on Sunday, October 29th, 2023, and this is my 200th blog post. 200 posts in less than a month. That is incredible, but isn’t extremely shocking. I expected to be posting a lot on this blog with short tweet-like blog posts (think Twitter in a blog format) with all of the article curating I’m doing, plus everything else. This is a very easy blog for me to maintain due to it’s format, and the way I manage it. This makes it so that I am able to frequently fill it up with straight to point recommendations for news articles, and social media pages to follow. With my current schedule, This is about the only website I have currently (and I have many) that I can easily maintain.

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Note 081 New Laptop Part 2

I just finished setting up my new laptop. It is beautiful. The 17.3 inch screen makes a big difference in the screen space I have to work with compared to my other laptops.

I am considering to make this new laptop a dedicated machine for my website only. Doing so would decrease the amount of software I would otherwise need to install for photo editing to maintain my other websites.

So far I have installed Firefox browser. If I can stick to writing only on this new laptop, then I shouldn’t need to install anything else other than Open Office if I nees to create a ebook.

I’m happy to have this new laptop and I look forward to using it to build up Pad53 over the next few years.

Continue reading “Note 081 New Laptop Part 2”

Note 027 3 Methods On How How To Quickly Generate Over 100 Blog Post Ideas

Are you wondering how to come up with new blog post ideas without spending too much money, time, and resources?

Read the full story at the url below.

Continue reading “Note 027 3 Methods On How How To Quickly Generate Over 100 Blog Post Ideas”

Note 002 48 Degrees Outside

It’s after 4 AM and I just noticed on my phone that it is 48 degrees outside currently in my area of Alabama. The sky is clear as well. I think this is the coldest night yet so far during this Autumn season. I’m currently snacking on Cheez-It crackers. Also a big pat on my back from myself right now for all the work I got done so fast tonight to get this new blog acquired with the basic pages built, and getting started on blogging. I’m looking forward to having this blog become a regular routine in my blogging journey.

Continue reading “Note 002 48 Degrees Outside”