Note 133 Play The Stock Market

What’s the biggest risk you’d like to take — but haven’t been able to?

I’ve already said this in another question of the day, but didn’t address the risk factor. I have recently gotten the urge to start investing in the stock market. But considering the risks of losing everything, I won’t do it until I accumulate a sum of money that I’m comfortable living without. I want to be able to invest big money going into it, and not just some little try my luck amount.

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Note 044 Play The Stock Market

What’s something you would attempt if you were guaranteed not to fail.

If I was able to do something knowing I could not fail at it, I would start getting in on the stock market. My goal would be to build a profit of 1 million. This would not be specifically to get rich, but also for the educational value. I’m already planning on trying to get into investing as soon as I can (hopefully within the next year), but wouldn’t it be nice if I could just do it knowing I would make my goal no matter how much work I had to put into it? The motto for my blog is Get Money Forget Drama. So this is a relevant goal and fantasy for me.

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